Artist Feature - Nicole Salcedo

What led you to BTS?

A friend of mine put me on to BTS, she showed me their SNL performance back in 2019, I would listen to their tracks here and there, but it wasn’t until February 2020 when they released the video for ON that I truly became hooked and started watching more edits and fancams. I think lockdown just sped up the inevitable, I was able to spend more time consuming 7 years worth of content. Their music really helped me deal with adapting to our new pandemic reality.  They really do come into your life when you need them the most.

Who or what sparked your interest in art?

I remember as a kid doodling with my best friend and her sister who was really good at drawing. We would read comics and watch cartoons. We would spend a lot of time drawing up our own characters and giving them names and whole backstories. As I got older, I loved being able to put down on paper what I was seeing in my mind, it was something I could control and would always give me a sweet sensation in my body to see my imagination come to life! I made the conscious decision to pursue art in middle school, thankfully my parents were supportive of my creativity and pushed me to learn as much as I could. My friend’s sister ended up giving me drawing lessons, which helped me get into an art magnet high school. At the time I wasn't sure why I was so determined to have an art practice, I just wanted to get really good at materializing my imagination.

What advice would you give those who are interested in art but are hesitant to try it?

Play a lot, practice a lot in whatever medium calls to you. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Cultivate your creativity, become friends with it, get to know it. What sparks and what increases your personal creative flow? If you don't know where to start I highly recommend The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. This book will help break down barriers to creative expression. One thing I like to do before approaching a blank canvas or paper is loosen up in my sketchbook first with doodles so I can approach a clean slate more confidently.




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