The Three of Wands as interpreted by Anna Grindrod-Feeny and Sof

Like all the Threes, the Three of Wands represents a foundation, specifically that which we build all our dreams upon. Because Wands are such an intangible suit, this tends to speak of our vision for our goals and what it looks like if we should reach them. Simply put, it’s difficult to make progress when one is wandering aimlessly or has a vague idea of what success would even look like; how can you break down the steps necessary to reach your dreams if you don’t even know what you’re dreaming of?

The Three of Wands is a reminder of the importance of letting your imagination wander, of mentally tracking your desires through to their inevitable conclusion and asking yourself… what would it look like if I actually succeeded? If I achieved everything I set out to do and more?

There’s a saying in the ARMY fandom - “What Yoongi wants, Yoongi gets.” We’ve seen this play out time and time again. SUGA is a master at vocalizing his desires, no matter how out of reach they seem, and time and time again we’ve seen them come true. Albums, concerts, awards, bigger and bigger venues, Billboard #1, the Grammys… to some degree there may be some intuition involved, but there’s also the plain and simple fact that he and BTS as a whole have never shied away from stating their biggest and wildest dreams, figuring out the steps necessary to reach them, and then putting in the work to make them a reality.

The Three of Wands ultimately pushes us to look beyond what seems plausible in this moment, to let our imaginations run wild, to embrace the impossible and carry on as if that outcome is inevitable. Because maybe, just maybe, it could be.

Artist’s Interpretations by Sof

In the celebration of Yoongi Month here comes the 3 of Wands! I was deeply inspired by Yoongi’s and BTS aspirations and dreams so clearly shown on their first days. I think their hard work and power of manifestation is one of the reasons why they will always remain as one of my biggest inspirations. Nobody was manifesting like them on their first two albums, truly. I hope this card shows that and also touches your heart just thinking about those kids who had no idea.


