The Seven of Swords speaks to navigating our environment in ways that aren’t straightforward, especially when that environment is challenging or doesn’t feel completely safe. This environment, as well as being the world around us, is also the space of our own minds. The Seven of Swords depicts a kind of hyper-awareness - and sometimes even hypervigilance - that occurs maybe because we’re treading unfamiliar ground, or maybe too-familiar ground that reminds us of danger. It’s about the way our minds and our nervous systems react to pressure, stress, isolation.
Sevens in the tarot are traditionally about individuation: moments where we have to prioritise ourselves, own who we are, set boundaries, and understand ourselves as beings with both choices we might not want to make, and agency. They ask us to work on accepting the discomfort that comes with making decisions because there is rarely a single, unquestionably ‘right’ answer or way forward. Life is full of contradictions, uncertainties and pitfalls.
Usually, in the Seven of Swords, we’re acting somewhat alone and are having to work out our short-term survival strategy. This involves thinking outside the box, trying different things, moving forward and finding a dead end, going in circles… If this card was depicting a quest, our protagonist wouldn’t be overcoming challenges through sheer force of strength or will but rather failing, doubting themself, having moments of insight and clarity, outwitting their foes and also making rather bad decisions.
Discomfort and changeability are spaces in which we have to make the best decisions we can, even when they’re imperfect. We might have to prioritise our own needs over other people’s to get by, and that could feel devastating to the parts of us that have been taught to people-please and caretake at all costs. Sometimes there is no ‘good’ way forward, or right or wrong - only using all our tricks and abilities to keep moving.
This is why the Seven of Swords encompasses actions relating to flexibility and open-mindedness - making (sometimes overly) quick decisions, performing and acting (in the sense of pretending to be something/someone you’re not), open-mindedness, creative thinking, and resourcefulness.
When we engage with the Seven of Swords, we’re being asked what we can do to recenter in the moment. Sometimes that recentering actually means taking a step back and observing so we can move away from self-judgment. What that might look like is, if you keep getting distracted, what is it really that’s calling your attention? If your nervous system is in a state of hypervigilance, how can you take care of yourself while understanding you might not have the power to change the wider situation?
The Seven of Swords tells us that in order to grow and change, we have to be able to hold multiple ideas and thoughts at once without judgment. We have to be patient with ourselves because sometimes only time and perseverance will offer a way forward. If we try and force ourselves to be ‘right,’ we may well end up in the paralysis of the following card, bound tight by our own fear and thoughts. This is a card where we’re being asked to tap into our personal decisions and ideas, so it may feel like other people can’t be of that much support. However, it’s important to ask ourselves whether there are certain decisions people can’t make for us, or whether we’re rejecting help altogether. There is always space for connection that can support your wellbeing.
To me, Reana’s card is such an incredible depiction of the Seven of Swords. Love Yourself: Tear touched on so many of the themes that can be applied to the suit of Swords, particularly the self-doubt, fear and pain that comes with growth. Many of us know what it’s like to feel like we’re fighting our way through the world, and fighting our own minds too. Namjoon looks sad but determined, as if he’s made his decision no matter how difficult. He’s willing to fight for himself, his survival, and his potential. But having been the archer and the prey, he also understands the struggle it takes to keep going, keep showing up, and adapting. I love this piece of art so much, and I hope it inspires you to be kind to yourself when the way forward isn’t clear.
Artist’s Interpretation of the Seven of Swords by @rkive.jpg_
For the Seven of Swords tarot card, I originally planned to use Yoongi but when I was browsing through images I just saw this photo of Namjoon from the LY: TEAR photoshoot and it felt like the exact match for the card. It is such a simple yet intense photo which speaks ‘’you’re just surviving not living your life.’’
I used the keywords given by Kirstin to associate the theme of the card such as: going it alone, survival skills, a sense of lack, mental uncertainty. I also used the lyrics from Taylor Swift’s "The Archer" which is a very vulnerable song in itself. It speaks about insecurities you have within yourself which also invade into your personal relationships.
I drew the swords in such a way that it shows you’re ready for combat even though you feel weak – they surround Namjoon from all sides. I included the camera focus because I wanted to show who the real target here is.