The Seven appears as a reminder to be honest with yourself about the challenges ahead of you but not to dwell on them too long. There’s a difference between strategizing and spiraling, and you don’t want to lose the momentum you’ve built.
On July 15th, we’re getting Hobi’s new album Jack In The Box - and it promises to be both fascinating and darkly brilliant. This is a look at the astrology of JITB, and what it says about Hobi’s artistry as well as the themes we might see in this album.
Happy Cancer season! Time of feeling everything deep in your chest, letting it out into the world, pursuing emotional connection, giving and receiving care, and tuning into our intuition. Cancer is the tide, the place where ocean meets land, this point of contact that’s always in flux. Ruled by the moon, it describes the space of cyclical change where we meet the world around us, where we exchange thoughts, feelings, and sensations.
Artist Feature - Nicole Salcedo
What led you to BTS?
A friend of mine put me on to BTS, she showed me their SNL performance back in 2019, I would listen to their tracks here and there, but it wasn’t until February 2020 when they released the video for ON that I truly became hooked and started watching more edits and fancams. I think lockdown just sped up the inevitable, I was able to spend more time consuming 7 years worth of content. Their music really helped me deal with adapting to our new pandemic reality. They really do come into your life when you need them the most.
Artist Feature - Madi
What led you to BTS?
I remember the day vividly. I was sitting in the library at my school, working diligently on some project or assignment. It was dark at 4 PM, cold, and it’s safe to say I was in the trenches. I saw my sister texted.
It’s time to test the waters.
Unless you already have
In the case you haven't:
Serendipity, UGH!, Run, Lie, Inner Child, Singularity, Butterfly, House of Cards
Listen for homework and report how your listening experience was.
Safe to say that was my introduction to the real BTS.
Artist Feature - Laura
During my last year of med school I was struggling a lot working in the hospital during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and I tried to distract myself by picking up drawing again and learning a new language in my freetime. I’ve always wanted to learn a “new” alphabet and I decided to learn Korean. Through this I discovered BTS and I was studying Koren by translating the lyrics from the D-2 album by AgustD.
Happy Gemini Season! The sun has moved into the mutable air sign of Gemini, ushering in a literal breath of fresh air following the steadiness of Taurus season. While Taurus season asks us to slow down and bask in the beauty around us, Gemini season wants to sweep us away and relish in the exciting varieties that life has to offer. As Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, Gemini season is a time for stimulation, curiosity, and exerting our social energies, which is a welcome change after some of the recent astrology we’ve experienced.
On the 10th of May, Mercury stations retrograde in early Gemini before dipping back into Taurus. With this transit, the planet of information, communication and mental processes temporarily leaves its own home sign to revisit a very different space. In many ways, it feels like a reminder to stop and reflect before moving forward full-speed. As we saw in the overview of this Taurus season’s astrology, Jupiter’s move into Aries the day after Mercury’s station marks the beginning of a significant change in the astroweather. Most notably, we’re entering an initiatory, catalytic, fire-starting, fast-moving season with a summer heavily influenced by cardinal and mutable energy.
The Six of Wands is the card of hard-won victory. It’s not the end of the road (though, truly, what is?) but it’s the moment when you can see your efforts beginning to pay off and your vision starting to crystalize into something more tangible. If you push and push yourself without taking the time to rest, to recharge, and to recognize how far you’ve come, the only thing you will be left with is demoralization and burnout. It is exhausting to go through life feeling as though all your efforts are simply not good enough.
Artist Feature - Dion
What led you to BTS?
The culprit was none other than my best friend. Prior to officially becoming an army, I had vaguely heard about BTS and how they were breaking through into the western music scene. I remember hearing and watching their performance at the AMAs back in 2017 and how important it was, but I didn’t pay them too much mind after that.
The Seven of Cups is often depicted as a card of confusion, overindulgence, or delusion due to too many options. It can be totally overwhelming to sit in the fog, unsure of which cup to choose. We may feel pressure to make the “right” choice, even when we aren’t ready.
Happy Taurus season! With the sun moving through this Venusian fixed earth sign we’re thinking about processes of growth. Specifically, what they feel like. The ease and pleasure of a slow stretch, seeing seedlings break out of the soul, the unfurling of a rose bud, feeling a song’s bass vibrating through your body. There’s a steadiness about Taurus that is rooted in the body, in the material of being alive. Taurus season teaches us about being meticulous without gripping; careful about our desires while giving them space.
The Hanged Man is card 12 of the Major Arcana, and one that I always put into context with its ensuing card-Death. Meaning, this is the soupy space we must sit in before a transformation. It is the time to invite stillness, even if it’s uncomfortable. The more we struggle, the less we hear our own inner knowing. And so, we can be curious about where this discomfort is coming from. Listen deeply in this stillness to our needs, no matter how quiet the voice. Release what isn’t working in order to make room for change.
Artist Feature - Tyler
What led you to BTS?
I think bts make their way into army's lives when they need them most. For me that was 2017. I was still in secondary school which was quite a rough era of my life. I was struggling with expressing myself and accepting who I am. One night I was scrolling through pinterest and saw this wallpaper with these 7 guys. I remember saving the photo because of “the guy with the mint hair”. From there everything spiraled. Now in 2022, I’m in such a good place. Bts helped me understand that not only is it okay to be myself but also that I should be proud of who I am too.
The Four of Swords is a card that quite literally offers us a pause amongst the challenges of its suit. Traditionally, we see images where someone is lying still and at rest, whether literally or symbolically. When we take this in the context of the suit of Air, we can understand the Four of Swords as being about finding ways to quiet and calm the mind.
Happy Aries season – time of being bold, being a little (or a lot) reckless, trailblazing and generally Going For It! The sun moves into the cardinal fire sign on March 20th, shifting the spotlight into its place of exaltation from the dreamy waters of Pisces. In Aries, the sun encourages us to embody that initial spark of fire, pursue our desires shamelessly, and have fun in the process.
The Hierophant is a card that represents tradition, belief structures, learning and growth. It tends to appear as a reminder that our inclination toward rebellion may not always serve us well — there are times when breaking the rules liberated us and there are times when it simply creates more work for ourselves. Why make things harder by reinventing the wheel when we can follow the tried and true patterns others have left for us?
Like all the Threes, the Three of Wands represents a foundation, specifically that which we build all our dreams upon. Because Wands are such an intangible suit, this tends to speak of our vision for our goals and what it looks like if we should reach them. Simply put, it’s difficult to make progress when one is wandering aimlessly or has a vague idea of what success would even look like; how can you break down the steps necessary to reach your dreams if you don’t even know what you’re dreaming of?
The Five of Swords isn’t a light card, even by this suit’s standards. Like the other Fives, it represents a kind of crisis point – in this case, we’re working with the mental aspects of difficult emotions. As with many of the Swords, the Five really shows us how tricky our relationship to our own minds can be. It’s often when something goes wrong and/or we feel hurt that we’re most prone to getting tangled in the noise of our more unhelpful thoughts.
Happy Birthday Suga!
There is so much to say about Yoongi – genius producer and writer, resident BTS water sun, sharp-tongued rapper, and secret marshmallow. In many ways he embodies contradiction through his fluidity – even as I try to write about him, he shapeshifts and resists definite terms. There’s always an impulse towards change about Yoongi.