
Mercury retrogrades are very common. They happen consistently, three or four times a year, when the planet’s apparent motion makes it seem like it is moving backwards. This means that they are a kind of transit we’ve moved through up til now – before we were even aware of them – and will continue to move through for the rest of our lives. We know how to live with them. This doesn’t mean we don’t feel their impacts, but those tend to be more short-term.

After sitting in the uncertain and liminal in the Four of Cups, we move onto the Five of Cups to process whatever came up. This card seems to be perceived as a “negative” or dreaded one, as its themes are around grieving. Who wants to draw a card that confronts you with loss?
But the thing is, haven’t we all been grieving these past two years? For many of us, we’ve carried around grief constantly, long before the pandemic.

![THE HIGH PRIESTESS – I’m [my] filter](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/61536362ef59082d4b0c9687/1642709671265-IV6BIJOINCPY42XOPW0J/1.png)
THE HIGH PRIESTESS – I’m [my] filter
Number two in the tarot’s major arcana, the High Priestess – also called by many the High Priestexx, to reflect the card’s openness to any & all gender identities – is (for me) absolutely an energy that Park Jimin embodies in his work, persona, & way(s) of showing up / being in the world. My advice as a “professional”* tarot reader – if you want to think about the High Priestess in the context of embodiment, and especially as a card that challenges binary oppositions – is ✨simply✨ to do yourself the favor of watching Jimin’s performance of Filter.

Tae is special. He’s an eccentric who is at once unplaceable and larger than life. He follows a particular set of personal standards while being unpredictable. He’s a lover of classical, timeless things who values surprising us with his individuality. He’s cheesy and cliché, and he gets away with it because he understands the power of what he presents and how he conveys meaning. Tae is a contrarian; what you see is what you get, but it always feels like he hasn’t shown us all of his cards just yet. All of this is to say that he represents what it means to be Jupiterian and Saturnian at the same.

Happy Birthday Taehyung!
Happy birthday to our dear Capricorn stellium king, Kim Taehyung / Tete / thv! ARMY, let’s take a moment to express gratitude for how much Tae has fed us this past solar return. Especially recently—from his LA/Hawaii escapades, deleted IG stories, FACIAL HAIR, and of course his tarot reader persona (I’m not over it and never will be)… it’s been great to see him explore/share his individuality, despite the collective difficulties we’re all feeling.

Artist Feature — Kat Jackson
What led you to BTS?
Visuals. The music videos, styling, color palettes, photoshoots, comeback concepts- anything visually related that they put out always had me floored. It all made sense later when I found out that Bang PD majored in Aesthetics. My niece Tanya (@bybrittany) showed me their American Hustle Life episodes and I think that's really when I started to pay attention. I fully identified as ARMY after watching them live and in person during their Jimmy Kimmel appearance. That was when I learned the fan chant 🤪.

Venus stations retrograde at 26 degrees of Capricorn on the 19th of December, its motion appearing to reverse through the sky until the 29th of January 2022. When a planet is retrograde, linearity has less of the usual grip on its function. Instead, the motion is a kind of wandering, searching and excavating which can unearth essential hidden information.

I was very excited when I was assigned the suit of Wands because it’s my favorite suit out of the deck and the one I relate to most, but I was also a bit intimidated. While the other suits relate to clearly defined realms of our life experience (Cups = feelings/the heart, Swords = the mind, Pentacles = the body/reality), Wands are more abstract and a bit harder to pin down. They refer to our passion, our creativity, our vision for our life, and our drive to achieve our dreams. I suppose you could relate them to the spirit, but even that is a nebulous concept without one agreed-upon meaning.

Happy Jin Super Tuna Solar Eclipse Day!
Happy Jin Day, ARMY, and greetings from the departures gate at LAX! What a day/week it’s been for each fan and all of the members. Four days of BTS concerts, one night of Jingle Ball, multiple vLives, WeVerse and Twitter posts, and of course the release of the masterpiece “Super Tuna” (#SOTY #GiveKimSeokjinAGrammy). Much like Kim Seokjin himself, there’s a lot happening all at once, and all of it is over the top.

Artist Feature — Reana
What led you to BTS? In 2017, my friend who was into K-pop kept mentioning a song called “Blood, Sweat and Tears.” Apparently it had gone viral and was displayed on many TV music channels so I went home and listened to it. It was my first time listening to BTS and without realizing I had already been hooked! So then obviously I went into research-mode and then long story short I became a huge fan. Over the years, I realized that BTS has been a huge inspiration for me. Most of the art I create is inspired by them, their lyrics, and the things they say, even their fashion sense.

A Collective Tarot Reading for the Week Starting November 27th
Hi ARMY! What a week it’s been. By which I mean of course that BTS are in LA, and have been on some very hot behaviour since arriving in the City of Angels.
Hobi and maknae line went to see Harry Styles in concert and we got to see them vibing, drinking, singing along and enjoying themselves in a way that was just really special. Then, they attended the AMAs, where they performed (twice!) in front of a live audience for the first time in two years. Not only did they win 3 awards including Artist of the Year, it looked like they had a great time in the audience, my personal favourite part of which was their dancing during New Edition and New Kids On The Block’s joint performance. Compared to their debut 4 years ago at the AMAs, BTS are there this time as confident, mature artists who can navigate and have established their power in American spaces, but are still unapologetically themselves (see Jinkook on stage during their AOTY acceptance speech).

THE MAGICIAN — magic is storytelling
The number 1 of the tarot, the channeller, the magic-worker, the mercurial & intemperate embodiment of a sudden chill autumn breeze — the magician works with intent, but an intent that is unfixed & changeable. Like its astrological correlate, mutable Gemini, the magician's attention is at once focused, determined, calculated — and — divided, shifting, flexible. Both at once. Without contradiction.
Poppin’ Poppin’ (woah!) Our Way Into Sagittarius Season
Welcome to Sagittarius season, dear ARMYs! We’re moving out of the shadowy, transitional realm of Scorpio and into the season of inspiration and restlessness. Much like our resident Sag Kim Seokjin, Sagittarius energy is quick-witted, adaptable, and optimistic. It moves more quickly than the other signs and urges us to push forward with a belief in the possibilities before us and a thirst for adventure and knowledge. Basically now is the time to be your biggest, baddest, most ridiculous self and trust that the world will respond in kind.

Happy Anniversary to BE — on non-linearity, creating comfort and the Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus
One year on from the release of their album, BE, BTS are preparing to fly to the US for a schedule of awards, performances and, finally (!), their first live concerts since the outbreak of the pandemic last year.
It feels fitting, somehow, that we have a full moon eclipse happening in Taurus on the 19th of November. Not only does it open this end-of-year eclipse season, it marks the beginning of a significant shift of the lunar nodal axis. For the past 18 months, the eclipses have cracked open, shifted and reshaped the Sagittarius and Gemini areas of our lives. After a last solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th, we will move into a new 18 months of growth and change where the Taurus-Scorpio axis lands for us, starting during Taurus season next year.

The 4 of Pentacles (or sometimes Coins) invites us to consider how we create a sense of safety and stability for ourselves in the material world. With the Pentacles being the suit of Earth, we’re thinking about embodiment, resources, what sustains us, how we connect to the physical world and the environment around us.

Tarot Reader Feature — Anna Grindrod-Feeny
It should really be no surprise to anyone that I eventually got into BTS. I’m a sucker for deep lyrics and catchy melodies, I think pop is a highly underrated genre, and I grew up listening to a number of bands from around the world who sang in languages other than English.